Setting transaction modes for stored procedures

Use sp_procxmode to display or change the transaction mode of stored procedures. For example, to change the transaction mode for the stored procedure byroyalty to “chained,” enter:

sp_procxmode byroyalty, "chained"

sp_procxmode “anymode” lets stored procedures run under either chained or unchained transaction mode. For example:

sp_procxmode byroyalty, "anymode"

Use sp_procxmode without any parameter values to get the transaction modes for all stored procedures in the current database:

procedure name               transaction mode
-------------------------    --------------------
byroyalty                    Any Mode 
discount_proc                Unchained 
history_proc                 Unchained 
insert_sales_proc            Unchained 
insert_salesdetail_proc      Unchained 
storeid_proc                 Unchained 
storename_proc               Unchained 
title_proc                   Unchained 
titleid_proc                 Unchained 
(9 rows affected, return status = 0)

You can use sp_procxmode only in unchained transaction mode.

To change a procedure’s transaction mode, you must be a System Administrator, the Database Owner, or the owner of the procedure.