Specifying referential integrity constraints

Referential integrity refers to the methods used to manage the relationships between tables. When you create a table, you can define constraints to ensure that the data inserted into a particular column has matching values in another table.

There are three types of references you can define in a table: references to another table, references from another table, and self-references, that is, references within the same table.

The following two tables from the pubs3 database illustrate how declarative referential integrity works. The first table, stores, is a “referenced” table:

create table stores
(stor_id     char(4) not null,
stor_name    varchar(40) null,
stor_address varchar(40) null,
city         varchar(20) null,
state        char(2) null,
country      varchar(12) null,
postalcode   char(10) null,
payterms     varchar(12) null,
unique nonclustered (stor_id))

The second table, store_employees, is a “referencing table” because it contains a reference to the stores table. It also contains a self-reference:

create table store_employees
(stor_id     char(4) null
       references stores(stor_id),
emp_id       id not null,
mgr_id       id null
       references store_employees(emp_id),
emp_lname    varchar(40) not null,
emp_fname    varchar(20) not null,
phone        char(12) null,
address      varchar(40) null,
city         varchar(20) null,
state        char(2) null,
country      varchar(12) null,
postalcode   varchar(10) null,
unique nonclustered (emp_id))

The references defined in the store_employees table enforce the following restrictions: