You can execute procedures on a remote Adaptive Server from your local Adaptive Server. Once both servers are properly configured, you can execute any procedure on the remote Adaptive Server simply by using the server name as part of the identifier. For example, to execute a procedure named remoteproc on a server named GATEWAY:
exec gateway.remotedb.dbo.remoteproc
See the System Administration Guide for information on how to configure your local and remote Adaptive Servers for remote execution of procedures. You can pass one or more values as parameters to a remote procedure from the batch or procedure that contains the execute statement for the remote procedure. Results from the remote Adaptive Server appear on your local terminal.
The return status from procedures can be used to capture and transmit information messages about the execution status of your procedures. For more information, see “Return status”.
WARNING! If Component Integration Services is not enabled, Adaptive Server does not treat remote procedure calls (RPCs) as part of a transaction. Therefore, if you execute an RPC as part of a transaction, and then roll back the transaction, Adaptive Server does not roll back any changes made by the RPC. When Component Integration Services is enabled, use set transactional rpc and set cis rpc handling to use transactional RPCs. For more information on the transactional rpc and cis rpc handling options, see the set command in the Reference Manual.