Disk resize example

For example, the configuration of the device testdev from isql:

sp_helpdevice testdev
device_name  physical_name          description
  status  cntrltype  device_number   low               high
-----------  -------------------    -------------
  ------- ---------  -------------   -------------     --------------
testdev      /sybase/dev/testdev.dat   special, dsync on, physical disk, 4.00MB   16386    0           8                134217728.000000    134219775.000000

To increase the size of testdev by 4MB using disk resize, enter:

disk resize 
name = "test_dev", 
size = "4M"

testdev.dat is now 8MB:

sp_helpdevice testdev
device_name  physical_name          description
  status  cntrltype  device_number   low               high
-----------  -------------------    -------------
  ------- ---------  -------------   -------------     --------------
testdev      /sybase/dev/testdev.dat   special, dsync on, physical disk, 8.00MB   16386    0           8                134217728.000000    134221823.000000