Viewing the options on a database

Use sp_helpdb to determine the options that are set for a particular database. sp_helpdb lists each active option in the “status” column of its output.

The following example shows that the read only option is turned on in mydb:

sp_helpdb mydb
name   db_size  owner  dbid  created         status
-----  -------  -----  ----  ------------  ----------------------
mydb   2.0 MB    sa     5    Mar 05, 1999 read only

device_fragments      size    usage           free kbytes
-----------------     ------  ------------  -------------
master                2.0 MB  data and log            576

device                         segment
------------------------------ ------------------------------
master                         default
master                         logsegment
master                         system

name  attribute_class attribute  int_value char_value               comments
----- --------------- ---------- --------- --------------------     ---------
pubs2 buffer manager  cache name NULL      cache for database mydb  NULL

To display a summary of the options for all databases, use sp_helpdb without specifying a database:


name          db_size owner dbid created      status
-----------   ------- ----- ---- -----------  ---------------------------
mydb           2.0 MB   sa     5    May 10, 1997  read only
master         3.0 MB   sa     1    Jan 01, 1997  no options set
model          2.0 MB   sa     3    Jan 01, 1997  no options set
sybsystemprocs 2.0 MB   sa     4    Mar 31, 1995  trunc log on chkpt
tempdb        2.0 MB  sa     2   May 04, 1998 select into/bulkcopy/pllsort