Default database size and devices

If you omit the size parameter in the on clause, Adaptive Server creates the database with a default amount of space. This amount is the larger of the sizes specified by the default database size configuration parameter and the model database.

The size of model and the value of default database size are initially set to the size of the server’s logical page. To change the size of model, allocate more space to it with alter database. To change the default database size configuration parameter, use sp_configure. Changing default database size enables you to set the default size for new databases to any size between the server’s logical page size and 10,000MB. See “default database size” for complete instructions.

If you omit the on clause, the database is created as the default size, as described above. The space is allocated in alphabetical order by database device name, from the default database devices specified in master..sysdevices.

To see the logical names of default database devices, enter:

select name
    from sysdevices 
    where status & 1 = 1
    order by name

sp_helpdevice also displays “default disk” as part of the description of database devices.