Fault isolation during recovery

The recovery procedures, known simply as “recovery,” rebuild the server’s databases from the transaction logs. The following situations cause recovery to run:

The recovery isolation mode setting controls how recovery behaves when it detects corrupt data while reversing or reapplying a transaction in a database.

If an index is marked as suspect, the System Administrator can repair this by dropping and re-creating the index.

Recovery fault isolation provides the ability to:

The ability to isolate only the suspect pages while bringing the rest of the database online provides a greater degree of flexibility in dealing with data corruption. You can diagnose problems, and sometimes correct them, while most of the database is accessible to users. You can assess the extent of the damage and schedule emergency repairs or reload for a convenient time.

Recovery fault isolation applies only to user databases. Recovery always takes a system database entirely offline if it has any corrupt pages. You cannot recover a system database until you have repaired or removed all of its corrupt pages.