Configuration parameters are grouped according to the area of Adaptive Server behavior they affect. This makes it easier to identify all parameters that you might need to tune improve a particular area of Adaptive Server performance.
The groups are:
Although each parameter has a primary group to which it belongs, many have secondary groups to which they also belong. For example, number of remote connections belongs primarily to the Network Communication group, but it also belongs secondarily to the Adaptive Server Administration group and the Memory Use group. This reflects the fact that some parameters have implications for a number of areas of Adaptive Server behavior. sp_configure displays parameters in all groups to which they belong.
The syntax for displaying all groups and their associated parameters, and the current values for the parameters, is:
The number of parameters sp_configure returns
depends on the value to which you have your display level set. See “User-defined subsets of the parameter hierarchy: display levels” for further
information about display levels.
The following is the syntax for displaying a particular group and its associated parameter, where group_name is the name of the group you are interested in:
sp_configure "group_name"
For example, to display the Disk I/O group, type:
sp_configure "Disk I/O"
Group: Disk I/O Parameter Name Default Memory Used Config Value Run Value -------------- ------- ----------- ------------ --------- allow sql server async i/o 1 0 1 1 disk i/o structures 256 0 256 256 number of devices 10 0 10 10 page utilization percent 95 0 95 95
If the server uses a case-insensitive sort order, sp_configure with
no parameters returns a list of all configuration parameters and
groups in alphabetical order with no grouping displayed.