UDLS gives you more control over security-related features of Adaptive Server.
In Adaptive Server versions 12.0 and later, the System Security Officer can:
Add more user logins and roles than was possible in earlier versions
Specify the maximum allowable number of times an invalid password can be entered for a login or role before that login or role is automatically locked
Lock and unlock roles manually
Ensure that all user passwords have at least one digit
Specify the minimum password length required server-wide or for a specific login or role
Display all security-related information for logins and roles
Associate a password expiration value with a specified login or role
Negative values may be used for user IDs (uid).
The server user ID (suid) associated with a group or a role in sysusers is not equal to the negation of their user ID (uid). Every suid associated with a group or a role in sysusers is set to -2 (INVALID_SUID).