The database storage information is listed in master..sysusages. Each row in master..sysusages represents a space allocation assigned to a database. Thus, each database has one row in sysusages for each time create database or alter database assigns a fragment of disk space to it.
When you install Adaptive Server, sysusages contains rows for these dbids:
1, the master database
2, the temporary database, tempdb
3, the model database
4, the sybsystemprocs database
If you installed auditing, the sybsecurity database will be dbid 5.
As new databases are created or current databases enlarged, new rows are added to sysusages to represent new database allocations.
Here is what sysusages might look like on an Adaptive Server with the five system databases and two user databases (with dbids 6 and 7). Both user databases were created with the log on option. The database with dbid 7 has been given additional storage space with two alter database commands:
select dbid, segmap, lstart, size, vstart from sysusages
dbid segmap lstart size vstart ------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ------- 1 7 0 1536 4 2 7 0 1024 2564 3 7 0 1024 1540 4 7 0 5120 16777216 5 7 0 10240 33554432 6 3 0 512 1777216 6 4 512 512 3554432 7 3 0 2048 67108864 7 4 2048 1024 50331648 7 3 3072 512 67110912 7 3 3584 1024 67111424 (10 rows affected)