Sybase's failover and HP MC/ServiceGuard includes the following error logs:
/var/adm/syslogs/syslog.log – contains the output of HP MC/ServiceGuard cluster-level activities as well as operating system level activities.
/etc/cmcluster/<package_name>/<package_name>.cntl.log – contains the output of the HP MC/ServiceGuard package activities and Sybase’s failover activities from the companion start, stop, and monitor script.
For output from the companion start, stop, and monitor script, search for “SYBASE HA”.
For MC/ServiceGuard package failure, search for the string “ERROR”.
$PRIMARY_CONSOLE_LOG - The location of this log is defined in /etc/cmcluster/<package_name>/<package_name>.sh. This error log includes information from the last execution of Adaptive Server from the script.