Suspending companion mode

Suspended mode temporarily disables the ability of the primary companion to failover to the secondary companion. When you move the companions to suspended mode, synchronization between the companions does not occur, and the primary companion cannot failover to the secondary companion. However, suspended mode is very useful for performing such maintenance tasks as changing configuration parameters. Perform the following steps to switch from normal companion mode to suspended mode:

  1. As root, issue cmhaltserv to disable the monitoring process so that it does not trigger a failover when you shut down the companion server:

    cmhaltserv -v primary_package_name

    where primary_package_name is the name of the primary package, which is also the same as the name of the primary companion. For example, to disable the monitoring process for primary companion MONEY1:

    cmhaltserv -v MONEY1
  2. Move the companions from normal companion mode to suspended mode. Issue the following from the secondary companion:

    sp_companion primary_server_name, suspend

    For example, To suspend primary companion MONEY1, issue the following from secondary companion PERSONNEL1:

     sp_companion MONEY1, suspend

    You can now shut down the primary companion as necessary and it will not failover to the secondary companion.