Changes to commands in asymmetric and symmetric mode

Table B-1: Changes to commands in asymmetric and symmetric mode


Asymmetric setup

Symmetric setup

create role

add role

drop role

alter role

During normal companion mode, any changes made to the primary companion with these commands are synchronized with the secondary companion server.

During failover mode, the secondary companion is updated with create role, create role and alter role changes. The primary companion is updated with this information during failback mode.

You cannot run drop role during failover mode.

You cannot run these commands during suspended mode.

These commands have the same behavior in symmetric mode as they have in asymmetric configuration.

create database

During normal companion mode, create database creates a proxy database on the secondary companion.

During failover mode, create database is not allowed to run because the primary companion’s model database is not in failover mode.

During failback mode, create database is allowed only under special circumstances.

You cannot run create database during suspended mode.

create database has the same behavior in symmetric setup as it has in asymmetric setup.

alter database

During normal companion mode, alter database adds 2MB of space to the database.

alter database has the same behavior in symmetric setup as it has in asymmetric setup.

disk init

During normal companion mode, disk init has the same behavior as in symmetric configuration.

During failover mode, the secondary server can add devices to its local set by ensuring the unique device name space.

During suspended mode, disk init cannot run.

During normal companion mode, disk init ensures that the secondary companion does not already have a disk with same physical and logical name, and that the secondary companion server can access the device.

disk init is not allowed to run during failover mode because it cannot verify access to the disk on the primary companion. However, disk init is allowed to perform some special duties like log expansion.

During suspended mode, disk init cannot run.

disk mirror

disk remirror

disk unmirror

Sybase mirroring is not supported for high availability

Sybase mirroring is not supported for high availability

disk resize

disk resize does not alter the behavior of Adaptive Server running in a high availability environment. Adaptive Server assumes that the disk space allocated by the file system comes from a shared physical disk and not from a disk local to the primary server.

drop database

During normal companion mode, drop database informs the companion server to free the database name space and may request to drop the proxy database.

During failover mode, there are no restrictions on the drop database command.

During suspended mode, you cannot run drop database.

This command has the same behavior in symmetric setup as is has in asymmetric setup.



During normal companion mode, changes to permissions from these commands are synchronized across the companion servers.

During failover mode, there are no restrictions for grant. You cannot run revoke during failover mode.

During suspended mode, you cannot issue either grant or revoke.

This command has the same behavior in symmetric setup as is has in asymmetric setup.


shutdown with nowait