The following are common error messages you may receive:
Error message 18805 –
Warning: Server '%1!' is configured for ASE HA services. The networkname in its SYB_HACMP entry does not point to the local server. If this is due to an earlier failed cluster command, refer to the System Administration Guide
If the local node is running in single-server mode and the srvnetname entry for SYB_HACMP is set correctly, its network name is the same as the local servers network name. This error occurs when the SYB_HACMP network name is set to another server’s network name. If this occurs because of an earlier failed cluster operation, use sp_addserver to set the srvnetname of SYB_HACMP to the local servers network name. Note that during normal companion mode, the svrnetname for SYB_HACMP always points to the remote companion’s network name, and should never be changed.
Error message 18769 –
The HA cluster is currently in use for other cluster operations. Retry the command later. If the problem persists, it may be due to an earlier failed cluster command; check the System Administration Guide (Error %1!).
All cluster operations receive a cluster-wide lock and then immediately release the lock when they are done. This error occurs when you perform a cluster operation but the previous cluster operation did not release the cluster-wide lock. For information about releasing a cluster-wide lock, see “Cluster locks in a high availability node”.
Error message 18836 –
Configuration operation '%1!' can not proceed due to Quorum AdvisoryCheck failure. Please run 'do_advisory' command to find the incompatible attribute and fix it
sp_companion checks a series of quorum attributes to confirm the compatibility between the companion servers. One of your companion servers has attribute settings that are not compatible. Run do_advisory for a list of the problem attributes. See Chapter 6, “Running do_advisory” for information.