Manually mounting the file systems

To manually start Adaptive Server on both nodes, run maintenance, correct an error, and so on, the volumes or file systems must be made available. Perform the following steps on the primary node:

  1. Follow the steps outlined in “Errors from resource groups running on two nodes”.

  2. Set the XLV node name. To change the node name, enter the following at the command line:

    xlv_mgr –c ‘change nodename spinnaker xlv1’

    Verify that the name is correct:

    xlv_mgr –c ‘show all_objects’
  3. Assemble the logical volumes:

  4. Optionally, you can mount the file systems:

    mount /dev/xlv/xlv1 /vol1
  5. Clean up. After you’ve completed your work, it’s important to return the FailSafe environment to a pristine state – see “Errors from resource groups running on two nodes”. Alternatively, if all the resources that comprise the resource group have been manually brought online. You can bring the resource group online and FailSafe will pickup from there. See “Bring the primary resource group online” as an example of starting the primary resource group; you’ll need to bring online all affected resource groups.