Example hook in start script

The resourceAttributes script contains common functions. The start and restart scripts share the common start_restart_ASE() function. This function contains the following section:

# Start:  hook section -------------
# If you need to start additional Sybase products (such as
# replication) that are dependent on the same resources
# as ASE, add them here.
# End:  hook section -------------

If the same UNIX user starts Replication Server as Adaptive Server, the new code looks similar to the following:

# Start:  hook section -------------
# If you need to start additional Sybase products (such as
# replication) that are dependent on the same resources
# as ASE, add them here.
su - ${SYBUSER} –c “$SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/install/RUN_REP_SEVER >& /dev/null” &
# End:  hook section -------------