Select Tasks from fstask.
Select Resources.
Select Define a Resource and fill in the following fields.
Field |
Sample value |
Description |
Resource Type |
The type of resource to define. The FailSafe system includes pre-defined resource types; you can define your own resource types as well. |
Resource |
sec_ase |
Name of the resource to define. |
Select Next. Complete the following fields with the appropriate values.
Field |
Sample value |
Description |
‘ ‘ |
string |
To enter a NULL password, use single quotes. |
/usr/sybase |
string |
The local Adaptive Server’s $SYBASE value. |
/usr/sybase |
String |
The remote Adaptive Server’s $SYBASE value. |
sybase |
String |
The IRIX user name who owns $SYBASE. The value is used by IRIX FailSafe to login and start Adaptive Server. |
5 |
Seconds |
How often we ping Adaptive Server using isql. Each ping creates a new isql session, then terminates it at the end. Use this data in determining the setting. |
ASE-12_5 |
String |
The subdirectory within $SYBASE where the Adaptive Server binaries exist. |
OCS-12_5 |
String |
The subdirectory within $SYBASE where the Open Client Server binaries exist; specifically, isql. |
mizzen |
String |
The local hostname(1) value. |
spinnaker |
String |
The remote hostname(1) value. |
90 |
Seconds |
The number of seconds that you are willing to wait for Adaptive Server to run through recovery on all its databases. This can be a while depending on the size of the transaction logs and how many databases are being rolled forward. If you exceed the limit specified, IRIX FailSafe issues an error. |
30 |
Seconds |
The number of seconds you are willing to wait before we error out. |
sa |
syslogins |
A user with ha_role assigned who has the capability to monitor Adaptive Server and shut it down. |
String |
The local Adaptive Server’s DSQUERY value. |
String |
The remote Adaptive Server’s DSQUERY value. |
Select Tasks.
Select Resources.
Select Add/Remove Dependencies for a Resource Definition. Enter values for the following fields:
Field |
Sample value |
Description |
Resource Type |
Select a value from the pull-down list. |
Resource |
sec_ase |
The list of values is displayed for the Resource Type. |
List of Dependencies |
N/A |
Information line |
Dependency Type |
file system |
Similar to a Resource Type. |
Dependency Name |
/vol2 |
Similar to a Resource; the list of values is limited based on the Dependency Type. |
From the command line, enter the following:
cluster_mgr –f sec_ase_resource_def