You can configure an instance of the HAase resource by either:
Using the cluster GUI tool to configure an instance of HAase. (see your VCS User Guide for more information), or,
Using cluster commands to manually add a new resource and configure its attributes. This is described below.
The following are the cluster commands used to add resource syb_ase125 that uses the configuration described in the table above. (The configuration of service group SybASE is shown in Figure 13-1):
Add the HAase resource:
#hares -add syb_ase125 HAase SybASE
VCS:10245:Resource added NameRule and Enabled attributes must be set before agent monitors # hares -modify syb_ase125 Dataserver_name MONEY1 # hares -modify syb_ase125 RUN_server_file /release/rel125/ASE-12_5/install/RUN_MONEY1 # hares -modify syb_ase125 Log_max_size 5000000 # hares -modify syb_ase125 Dataserver_login_file /release/rel125/ASE-12_5/install/MONEY1_login # hares -modify syb_ase125 Sybase_home /release/rel125 # hares -modify syb_ase125 Thorough_probe_cycle 3
Configure the agent to monitor the status of resource syb_ase125:
# hares -modify syb_ase125 Enabled 1
After you add the new resource to service group, you
must establish the resource dependency between the HAase resource
and other storage and network access resources access.
Use the following cluster commands to establish a resource dependency between syb_ase125 and
resources of types Mount, Volume,
and IP (refer to Figure 13-1 for more details):
# hares -link syb_ase125 ha1_mnt_ase # hares -link syb_ase125 ha1_mnt_fsdb # hares -link syb_ase125 vrtsdg1_vol_master # hares -link syb_ase125 vrtsdg1_vol_procs #hares -link syb_ase125 ha1_ip