Create a resource group for the secondary companion server. Assuming symmetric configuration, specify both primary and secondary nodes for the resource group property Nodelist.
scrgadm -a -g resource_group -y Nodelist=secondary-node, primary-node
For example:
scrgadm -a -g rg_PERSONNEL1 -y Nodelist=node2,node1
Note the order of the nodes in the Nodelist, node2 is the primary node and node1 is the secondary node for the secondary companion server resource group.
For asymmetric configuration use:
scrgadm -a -g rg_PERSONNEL1 -y Nodelist=node2
Create and add the SUNW.HAStorage resource to the Adaptive Server resource group:
scrgadm -a -j hastorage_resource_name -g resource_group -t SUNW.HAStorage -x ServicePaths=shared-disk-storage-path
For example:
scrgadm -a -j has_PERSONNEL1 -g rg_PERSONNEL1 -t SUNW.HAStorage -x ServicePaths=/global/node2_share
Create and add SUNW.LogicalHostname to the Adaptive Server resource group:
scrgadm -a -L -j loghost_resource -g resource_group -l logical_hostname
For example:
scrgadm -a -L -j lh_PERSONNEL1 -g rg_PERSONNEL1 -l loghost_node2
Create and add the SY.ase resource to the Adaptive Server resource group:
scrgadm -a -j ase_resource_name -g resource_group \ -t SY.ase \ -x Sybase_home=sybase_home_value \ -x Environment_file=environment_file_path \ -x Dataserver_name=dataserver_name_value \ -x Dataserver_login_file=login_file_path \ -x RUN_server_file=run_server_file_path
For example:
scrgadm -a -j ase_PERSONNEL1 -g rg_PERSONNEL1 \ -t SY.ase \ -x Sybase_home=/sybase \ -x Environment_file=/sybase/ \ -x Dataserver_name=PERSONNEL1 \ -x Dataserver_login_file=/sybase/ASE-12_5/SC-3_0/etc/ase_login_file \ -x RUN_server_file=/sybase/ASE-12_5/install/RUN_PERSONNEL1
Establish resource dependency between SY.ase and SUNW.HAStorage so the SY.ase resource always depends on SUNW.HAStorage resource:
scrgadm -c -j ase_resource_name -y Resource_dependencies=hastorage_resource_name
For example:
scrgadm -c -j ase_PERSONNEL1 -y Resource_dependencies=has_PERSONNEL1
For the secondary Adaptive Server resource group, run scswitch command to complete the following tasks:
Move the resource group to managed state.
Enable all resources and their monitors.
Bring the resource group online on the secondary node, that is the primary node of the secondary companion resource group :
scswitch -Z -g resource_group_name
For example:
scswitch -Z -g rg_PERSONNEL1