Configuring for asymmetric configuration

Two Adaptive Servers are configured for asymmetric configuration. From the secondary Adaptive Server, issue:

sp_companion "primary_server_name", configure, with_proxydb, login_name, password


This example configures an Adaptive Server named MONEY1 as a primary companion (issue the command from the secondary companion, PERSONNEL1):

sp_companion "MONEY1", configure, null, "Think2Odd", "password"
Server 'PERSONNEL1' is alive and cluster configured.
Step: Access verified from Server:'PERSONNEL1' to Server:'MONEY1'.
Server 'MONEY1' is alive and cluster configured.
Step: Access verified from Server:'MONEY1' to Server:'PERSONNEL1'.
(1 row affected)
(1 row affected)
(1 row affected)
(1 row affected)
(1 row affected)
(1 row affected)
(1 row affected)
Step: Companion server's configuration check succeeded.
Step: Server handshake succeeded.
Step: Master device accessible from companion.
Step: Added the servers 'PERSONNEL1' and 'MONEY1' for cluster configuration.
Step: Server configuration initialization succeeded.
Step: Synchronizing Application Specific information from companion server
Step: Synchronizing Roles from companion server
Step: Synchronizing Login Roles from companion server
Step: Synchronizing Remote Logins from companion server
Step: Synchronizing Groups in sysusers from companion server
Step: Synchronizing Sysattributes from companion server
Step: Synchronizing server logins from companion server
Step: Synchronizing server-wide privs from companion server
Step: User information synchronization succeeded.
Step: Server configured in normal companion mode.

If user databases already exist while you are using sp_companion, you see messages similar to these:

Step: Created proxy database ‘pubs2’
 Step: Proxy status for database has been set. Please Checkpoint the database 'pubs2'
 Step: Server configured in normal companion mode”
 Starting companion watch thread

See Chapter 3, “Asymmetric and Symmetric Setup” for more information about asymmetric configuration.

Note The login_name and password in the above sp_companion configure command cannot be null. After you successfully execute sp_companion configure, the operating system creates a new file, /etc/VRTSvcs/conf/config/ha_companion.remote_server_name. Make sure this file has read and write access only for the user who runs the server, otherwise security may be compromised.