This document outlines the tasks you must perform to configure Adaptive Server to work in an IRIX high availability environment. For information about configuring SGI IRIX FailSafe, see the FailSafe documentation at
Sybase high availability requires the following hardware and system components:
Two homogenous, network systems. The hardware configurations need not be similar. However in a symmetric environment, each machine should have sufficient resources to accommodate the load of the other node during a failover.
A minimum of one public network
A minimum of one private network
Shared disks for high availability
Logical volumes created on the shared disks
Optionally, file systems on the logical volumes
Sybase Adaptive Server or later
Sybase high availability license
SGI IRIX 6.5.16 or above
SGI FailSafe 2.1.3 or above
For more information about commands used to run IRIX FailSafe, see the IRIX FailSafe Administrator’s Guide