Configure Windows NT for failover using cluster administrator

The Cluster Administrator utility is a graphical user interface that walks you through the configuration process. The section assumes that the Microsoft Cluster Server is installed on your system. Install the new resource type “Sybase Companion Server” and Cluster Administrator extensions with the following command on each node of the cluster:

%SYBASE%\ASE-12_5\bin\sybcpnin.exe -s

(%SYBASE% is the release directory for ASE executable.)

The example shows the console output from running the above command:

Installed Resource Type 'Sybase Companion Server' using resource DLL 'sybcpnrs.dll' on the cluster

Installed Admin Extension DLL 'sybcpnae.dll' with MSCS and COM

Successful installation complete

Perform the following steps to configure ASE HA on Microsoft Cluster Server:

  1. Create a cluster group. See you Microsoft Cluster Server documentation for information.

  2. Move the dedicated shared disks for the companion you are configuring into the cluster group you created in step 1. See your Microsoft Cluster Server documentation for information.

  3. Select | Administrative Tools | Cluster Administrator.

  4. Select File | Resource | New Resource.

  5. On the New Resource screen enter:

  6. Select Change Group then select the name of the group to move the physical disk resources (data and log devices) of the primary companion to this new group. Click OK. You see the Possible Owners screen.

  7. The Possible Owners screen specifies the nodes on which this resource can be brought online. Both nodes must be listed as possible owners in the right-hand window of this screen. If the list is not correct, use Add or Remove to correct it. Select Next.

  8. The Dependencies screen lists the services that must be brought online first before starting this resource. Make sure the shared disk device is listed as a dependency. Select Next.

    NoteYou may only find the Finish button at this step and can not perform the following step 9 through 13 if the command at the beginning of this section is not run:

        %SYBASE%\ASE-12_5\bin\sybcpnin.exe -s

  9. On the ASE Server Information screen enter:

  10. Enter the name of the Adaptive Server that is to be the secondary companion in the Companion Server Information field.

    To configure the companions in a symmetric setup, select symmetric.

    Select Next.

  11. On the Cluster Parameters screen, select Use System Generated Cluster Login. This provides a system-generated setup log that is used when the cluster logs into the Adaptive Server. Select Next. (Alternatively, you can create the login on the primary companion, assign it both the sa_role and ha_role before you perform this step.)

  12. (Optional) On the Setup Options screen, enter the path to the error log that records the steps made during this configuration (this log is very helpful if you need to call Technical Support). Select Finish.

  13. The next screen lists the configuration that you have selected for this cluster configuration.Select Back and re-enter the appropriate data to change any information. When the configuration is correct, select Next to configure this cluster resource.

    You see a series of messages as the two Adaptive Servers are configured. If any error messages appear, address the issues and select Next. You do not have to start over again.

    When the configuration is complete, the companions are in normal companion mode in either an asymmetric or symmetric setup, depending on what you specified in the Companion Server Information screen.