Pre-migration procedures for databases with replication data

You must ensure that replication from or into each database is complete. This means that for a primary database, all changes have been completely applied to all replicated databases that subscribe to data from this database, and for a replicate database, all changes to which this replicate database subscribes have been completely applied to this database. This also means that there should not be any Replication DDL that has not been completed, including routes, connections, and subscriptions. See the Replication Server documents for instructions on how to check whether Replication DDL is still in progress.

“Completely applied” includes transactions in the Replication Server inbound and outbound queues. After migration, there is no way to restore data in the Replication Server queues, so you must be absolutely sure that replication data has been fully applied.

StepsUsing primary replicate database

  1. Log in to the Replication Server and suspend log transfer using:

    suspend log transfer from server.database
  2. Shut down the RepAgent in the database, by logging in to Adaptive Server and issuing:

    use database
    sp_stop_rep_agent database

StepsUsing replicate database

  1. Suspend all DSI connections to this database by logging in to the Replication Server and issuing:

    suspend connection to server.database

StepsUsing RSSD database

  1. If the RSSD database is also a primary or a replicate database, you must perform the preceding actions, as necessary.

  2. Put the RSSD database into hibernation mode by issuing:

    sysadmin hibernate_on, Replication Server

Before starting the migration process, sybmigrate records replication information in its log. The information needed to restore the replication information during the post-migration steps can be retrieved from this log. See “Post-migration procedures for replicated databases” for more information.