

UNIX platforms only Installs and modifies languages, character sets, and sort order defaults for Adaptive Server, using a resource file. sqllocres is located in $SYBASE/CS-12_5/bin.


    [-S Server]
    [-U User]
    [-P Password]
    [-s Sybase Dir]
    [-I Interfaces file]
    [-r Resource file]


sqllocres -v


-S Server

specifies the name of the Adaptive Server to which to connect.

-U User

specifies a login name.

-P Password

specifies the “sa” account password.

-s Sybase Dir

specifies the value to use for the SYBASE environment variable.

-I Interfaces file

specifies the name and location of the interfaces file to search when connecting to Adaptive Server.

-r Resource file

executes the specified resource file.


prints the version number and copyright message for sqllocres, then exits.


You must set the SYBASE environment variable to the location of the current version of Adaptive Server before you can use sqllocres.


You must be a Sybase System Administrator to use the sqllocres utility.

See also

For more information about the sqllocres utility program, see the Installation Guide for UNIX Platforms.

Utilities langinstall, sqlloc