Using sqlupgraderes

You can upgrade Adaptive Server in noninteractive mode by using values from a resource file that defines the attributes for the server to be upgraded.

To upgrade an Adaptive Server using a resource file, either:

  1. Edit the sample resource file included in your Adaptive Server distribution in $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/init/sample_resource_files/sqlupgrade. Use an ASCII text editor to edit the resource file as described in Appendix A, “Alternative Installation Methods.”

  2. Run the sqlupgrade utility. This utility creates a new file containing the values you specified for that upgrade session, and writes it to, where server_name is the name of the upgraded server:


    WARNING! Be sure to change device names in the resource file, if necessary, before executing the resource file using sqlupgraderes.

    For details on the attributes used in a resource file, see “Resource file attributes for upgrading Adaptive Server,” below.