If the declared character sets of your client and server differ, you must be careful when declaring the character set of your XML documents.
Every XML document has a character encoding that is either specified in the encoding declaration of the XML declaration or is UTF-8 by default.
If you store an XML document in a character column that is not text, Adaptive Server translates the document into the server's character set before storing it. This is the way Adaptive Server normally translates character data, and you must ensure that the declared character set of the XML document matches that of the server.
If you store an XML document in a text column, Adaptive Server recognizes the XML document from the XML declaration and does not translate the character set to that of the server. When you read such an XML document from the database, Adaptive Server does not translate the character set of the data to that of the client, since doing so might compromise the integrity of the XML document.
If you store an XML document in an image column, Adaptive Server performs no conversions. This is the way Adaptive Server normally processes image data.