Mapping duplicate column names and unnamed columns

The following query returns two columns with the same name, and three columns with no name:

select t1.title_id, t2.title_id, t2.advance-t1.advance,
t1.price*t1.total_sales, t2.price*t2.total_sales
from pubs2..titles t1, pubs2..titles t2
where t1.price=t2.price and t2.advance-t1.advance>3000
title_id title_id    
------   ------    --------   ---------   ---------

BU2075   MC3021    4,875.00   55,978.78   66,515.54
MC2222   BU1032    5,000.00   40,619.68   81,859.05
MC2222   BU7832    5,000.00    40,619.68   81,859.05

When this data is mapped to XML, the columns become elements or attributes (depending on the columnstyle option), and such elements and attributes must have unique names. The generated XML therefore adds integer suffixes to duplicate column names, and generates unique suffixed names for unnamed columns. For example (using the above query):

select t1.title_id, t2.title_id, t2.advance-t1.advance,
t1.price*t1.total_sales, t2.price*t2.total_sales
from pubs2..titles t1, pubs2..titles t2 
where t1.price=t2.price and t2.advance-t1.advance>3000
for xml
<resultset xmlns:xsi="





If the name XML generates for an unnamed column corresponds to an existing column name, that generated name is skipped. In the following example, the last of the unnamed columns has the explicit column name “C1”, so “C1” is not used as a generated column name:

select t1.title_id, t2.title_id, t2.advance-t1.advance,
t1.price*t1.total_sales,t2.price*t2.total_sales as C1
from pubs2..titles t1, pubs2..titles t2
where t1.price=t2.price and t2.advance-t1.advance>3000
for xml
<resultset xmlns:xsi="





In the previous examples, the names generated for unnamed columns have the form “C1”, “C2”, and so on. These names consist of the base name “C” and an integer suffix. You can specify an alternative base name with the prefix option.

This example shows prefix=’column_’:

select t1.title_id, t2.title_id, t2.advance-t1.advance,
t1.price*t1.total_sales, t2.price*t2.total_sales
from pubs2..titles t1, pubs2..titles t2
where t1.price=t2.price and t2.advance-t1.advance>3000
for xml option "prefix=column_"
<resultset xmlns:xsi="


