Replication Server

Use the Replication Server log file to see a detailed problem description.

On Windows, the log file is %SYBASE%\REP-12_6\install\ <RepServerName>.log, where %SYBASE_REP% points to the Replication Server installation.

On UNIX, the log file is $SYBASE/REP-12_6/install/<RepServerName>.log, where $SYBASE_REP points to the Replication Server installation.

To see information about the connections configured with Replication Server, log in to Replication Server with isql, using this syntax:

isql -S <RepServerName> -U <username> -P <password>

For example, enter:

isql -S SAMPLE_RS -U sa _P sa_pass
Table B-2: Replication Server commands



admin who

Show status of connections

admin who_is_down

Show status of connections that are down

admin who_is_up

Show status of connections that are up

resume connection to <connection_name>

Resume connection

suspend connection to <connection_name>

Suspend connection

create connection to <connectionname>

Create connection

create replication definition <replication_definition_name>

Create replication definition for table

create function replication definition <replication_definition_name>

Create replication definition for procedure

create subscription <subscription_name for <replication_definition_name> with replicate at <Repconnection_Name>.<database_name>without materialization

Create subscription

trace “on”, DSI, DSI_BUF_DUMP

Set trace for DSI


Set trace for SQT