Vector getKeys(int elemAt) throws Exception


Returns a Vector containing hash tables which represent the names, types, and values of the key field belonging to the operation at the position of elemAt. This method is meaningful only for update and delete operations.

The hash table has the following information:

DBEventParser.FIELD_NAME=(String) <field name>
DBEventParser.FIELD_TYPE=(Integer) <field type>
DBEventParser.FIELD_VALUE=(Object) <field value>


DBEventParser.FIELD_NAME = "FieldName",
DBEventParser.FIELD_TYPE = "FieldType",
DBEventParser.FIELD_VALUE = "FieldValue".


// Gets the fields of the first operation
Vector keyVector = dbe.getKeys(0);
Hashtable keyField = null;
if (keyVector != null)
   System.out.println("MyMsgGenerator-KeySize : " +
   for (int ido = 0; ido < keyVector.size(); ido++)
     // returns a Hashtable containg the name, type,
     // and value of the (ido)th key field
     keyField = (Hashtable) keyVector.elementAt(jdo);
     // Do something to retrieve the name, type and
     // value of the key field