Configuring RepConnector for your database

This section provides instructions for setting up the RepConnector environment so that RepConnector can communicate with the database to send SQL events that it receives from the messaging system.

Sybase recommends that you configure your environment configure the RepConnector connection. This enables you to ping the database during configuration to verify that you have configured the connection properly. If you do not configure your RepConnector environment before configuring the RepConnector connection, RepConnector Manager allows you to create the connection even if the ping has failed. You must go back to verify this once you have set up the RepConnector environment.

NoteThere are no additional steps required for RepConnector to communicate with Sybase Adaptive Server.

StepsConfiguring for an Oracle database

To configure your environment if you are using an Oracle database:

  1. Verify that the lines in repra_env.bat (Windows) or (UNIX) that define the CLASSPATH/BOOTCLASSPATH environment variable are not commented out and point to the installation location for your database environment.

  2. To effect the changes, restart your application server.