Creating RepConnector connections

This section describes how to create RepConnector connections.

StepsAdding and configuring a new connection

This procedure includes all the steps required to add a new connection; however, some steps are described only in summary. Subsequent procedures give the details of these steps and are referred to from this procedure.

See Chapter 5, “Getting Started with RepConnector Manager,” to log in to the connection profile you want to use to create the connection.

  1. Right-click the connection profile.

    For example, right-click the EAServer:8080 connection profile to create a RepConnector connection defined by the EAServer:8080 connection profile.

  2. Select Add a New Connection.

    The New Connection wizard starts and the Create a New Connection page displays.

  3. On the Create a New Connection page:

    1. Enter a unique name in the Connection Name field. Do not use dashes or spaces.

    2. Select the Inbound Type from the drop-down list. The Inbound Type is the origin or source of the data.

      The Inbound Type you select determines what options are available in the Outbound Type drop-down list.

      Select one of the following inbound sources:

      • REPLICATION if this connection will accept inbound data from Replication Server. When you select REPLICATION as the Inbound Type, you can select JMS, TIBCO, or IBMMQ as the Outbound Type.

      • JMS if this connection will accept inbound data from a JMS message queue. When you select JMS as the Inbound Type, you can select only DATABASE as the Outbound Type.

      • TIBCO if this connection will accept inbound data from a TIBCO message queue. When you select TIBCO as the Inbound Type, you can select only DATABASE as the Outbound Type.

      • IBMMQ if this connection is to accept inbound data from an IBM Websphere MQ message queue. When you select IBMMQ as the Inbound Type, you must select DATABASE as the Outbound Type.

    3. Select the Outbound Type from the drop-down list. The Outbound Type is the target or destination for the data.

      Select one of the following outbound targets:

      • JMS if this connection is to push outbound data to a JMS message queue. This option is available when you select REPLICATION as the Inbound Type.

      • TIBCO if this connection is to push outbound data to a TIBCO message queue. This option is available when you select REPLICATION as the Inbound Type.

      • IBMMQ if this connection will push outbound data to an IBM Websphere MQ message queue. This option is available when you select REPLICATION as the Inbound Type.

      • CUSTOM if this connection will push outbound data to a target other than the specific message queues listed in the Outbound Types field. This option is available when you select REPLICATION as the Inbound Type.

      • DATABASE if this connection will push outbound data to a database. This option is available when you select a message queue (JMS, TIBCO, or IBMMQ) as the Inbound Type.

  4. Click Next to continue. The General Connection Information wizard page is displayed.

  5. On the General Connection Information Page:

    1. Verify or modify the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the DBEventStream XSD URL field.

      This is the URL for exposing the XML Schema Definition (XSD) over the network.

      The default URL is:



      • <host_name> is the host name of the target server’s http listener.

      • <port_number> is the port number of the target.

      The default host name is “localhost” and the default port number is 8080. The default URL is:


      If the default information is incorrect, change localhost to the host name of the target server’s http listener and 8080 to the port number on which the target server’s http listener is listening.

      For example, if the host name is “mymachine” which is listening at port 8090, the URL is:


    2. Select the logging level to use for this connection. Log Level defines the level, or type, of logging in the RepConnector log file, repra.log. The level you choose depends on whether you want to see only error messages or detailed messages in the log. The log file resides in the <AppServer>\repra\logs directory on Windows and the <AppServer>\repra\logs directory on UNIX. The default logging level is INFO.


      • FATAL to see information about very severe error events that could lead the application to abort.

      • ERROR to see general errors related to events that could allow the RepConnector environment to continue running, as well as fatal errors.

      • INFO to see informational messages that highlight the progress of the application at a high level, as well as fatal errors and general errors.

      • WARNING to see warnings about potentially harmful situations, as well as fatal errors, general errors, and informational messages.

      • DEBUG to see details about general events that can help during debugging, as well as fatal errors, general errors, informational messages, and warnings.

    3. Choose Auto Start Connection, to start the connection automatically whenever the application server starts. By default, Auto Start Connection is not selected.

      In a production environment, you might want to start the connection automatically when the application server starts because you need to do the minimal amount of intervention when restarting servers.

      If you are developing and testing your RepConnector connections, you might not want to automatically start the connection when your application server restarts. Once you have tested a connection, that is, the connection starts successfully and you can send messages to it, you can change the connection properties so that the connection starts automatically.

      NoteWhen you start a RepConnector connection, Replication Server attempts to connect to it. When a RepConnector connection is stopped, suspend the connection at Replication Server because Replication Server continually attempts to connect to it, even though it is stopped.

    4. Choose Custom Plug-in Class if you plan to use a user-defined message formatter with RepConnector rather than the RepConnector default XML formatter.

      See Chapter 10, “Customizing the Sender and Formatter Processors,” for information about how creating a user-defined message formatter.

    5. Choose encrypted data option if the data from the messaging system is encrypted by Adaptive Server 15.0 encryption.

  6. Click Next to continue.

  7. The next page displayed depends on what you selected for inbound type on the Create a New Connection page.

    If you selected:

  8. Select Ping to verify that you have entered the information correctly.

    A Pinging Connection Status pop-up provides status on whether you have configured the information correctly.

    NoteYou must update the repra_env.bat (Windows) or (UNIX) file to include the messaging system’s libraries in the environment and restart your application server before you can use ping. See “Configuring the RepConnector” for more information.

    Click OK to exit the ping connection status pop-up window.

  9. Click Next to continue.

  10. The next page displayed depends on what you selected for outbound type on the Create a New Connection page.

    If you selected:

  11. Click Next to continue. The Summary page wizard page displays.

    The Summary Page displays, which summarizes the values you entered for the new connection. These values are saved in a properties file on your local machine called connection_name.props, where connection_name is the name of the connection. This file resides in the repra/conf directory in your application server installation directory structure.

  12. Verify the connection configuration information and select Finish to create the new connection.

    The information displayed on the summary page wizard is read only. To change the connection configuration information, select Back to the specific configuration information wizard page you would like to modify and then navigate back to this Summary page and select Finish to create the new connection.

    The Summary Page information pop-up window displays with message “Connection was created successfully.” if the new connection is successfully created.