Configuring RepConnector for TIBCO

This section describes how to set up the RepConnector environment so that RepConnector can communicate with following TIBCO messaging systems:

Sybase recommends that you configure your environment before you configure the RepConnector connection. This enables you to ping the TIBCO Messaging System during configuration to verify that you have configured it properly. If you do not configure your RepConnector environment before configuring the RepConnector connection, RepConnector Manager allows you to create the connection even if the ping has failed. However, you must go back to verify this after you have set up the RepConnector environment.

StepsConfiguring TIBCO RV, RVCM

Follow these steps to configure your environment for TIBCO Rendezvous.

  1. Verify that the lines in repra_env.bat (Windows) or (UNIX) that define the TIBCO_HOME environment variable are not commented out and point to the installation location for the TIBCO Rendezvous.

  2. Verify that the lines that define the directory structure for the TIBCO Rendezvous library file, tibrvj.jar, are not commented out and are correct for your environment.

  3. To effect the changes, restart your application server.

StepsConfiguring TIBCO AECM

Follow these steps to configure your environment for TIBCO AECM.

  1. Verify that the lines in repra_env.bat (Windows) or (UNIX) that define the TIBCO_HOME environment variable are not commented out and point to the installation location for TIBCO Active Enterprise.

  2. Verify that the lines that define the directory structure for the TIBCO Active Enterprise Certified Messaging library files, Maverik4.jar and TIBRepoClient4.jar, are not commented out and are correct for your environment.

  3. To effect the changes, restart your application server.

StepsConfiguring TIBCO Enterprise for JMS

  1. Verify that the lines in repra_env.bat (Windows) or (UNIX) that define the TIBCO_HOME environment variable are not commented out and point to the installation location for the TIBCO Enterprise for JMS environment.

  2. Verify that the lines that define the directory structure for the TIBCO Enterprise for JMS library files (tibrvjms.jar, tibjms.jar, jms.jar) are not commented out and are defined correctly for your environment.

  3. To effect the changes, restart your application server.