Chapter 3: Configuring Replication Server for RepConnector

This chapter provides a high-level description of the tasks required to set up a Replication Server to replicate to RepConnector.

You or your system administrator must establish the RepConnector connection in Replication Server before configuring RepConnector. For more information, see the Replication Server documentation.

This chapter assumes that you have already configured a Replication Server environment, have added the primary database to the replication system (including updating the interfaces file with the connection information for the database server), and have marked the primary tables and procedures for replication. If you have not completed these tasks see the Replication Server Configuration Guide to configure the Replication Server environment before you proceed.

To configure Replication Server to replicate to RepConnector:

  1. Add an entry for RepConnector in the Replication Server interfaces file.

  2. Verify that Replication Server is up and running.

  3. Create a database connection in Replication Server to communicate with RepConnector.

  4. Create a replication definition in Replication Server to identify the data to be replicated.

  5. Create a subscription in Replication Server to identify the location to which the data will be replicated.

  6. Resume the database connection.

When you complete these steps, a connection is established between RepConnector and Replication Server.

As you work through this chapter, use the Configuration Worksheet in Appendix A, Configuration Worksheets, to record the values used to configure the RepConnector connection at Replication Server.