IBM WebSphere MQ connections

You can configure IBM WebSphere MQ connections using either the local or remote MQ server. The MQJMS configuration uses the MQJMS bridge to connect the MQ queue configured for the RepConnector connection.

RepConnector supports MQ messaging and the queue connection of the JMS bridge for IBM WebSphere MQ messaging system.

StepsSetting the environment for MQ and MQJMS

You can use the WebSphere MQ Explorer to configure the MQ messaging system.

  1. If no queue manager is available for your application, create a new one.

  2. To create a new target queue, go to the <queue manager>/Queues folder and enter the queue name.

  3. To configure the new queue, use the MQ Explorer to set its properties.

  4. To create a new channel, go to the <queue manager>/Advanced/Channels folder.

    To configure the channel for the server connection, set the properties with the MQ Explorer.

  5. To connect to the remote MQ daemon from your local RepConnector connection, set the MQSERVER environment variable in $REPRA_HOME/bin/ on UNIX or %REPRA_HOME%\bin\repra_env.bat on Windows.



    For example, on UNIX, enter:

    export MQSERVER

    On Windows:

    SET MQSERVER=CHANNEL1/TCP/'remotehostname(1414)'

Example values for IBM messaging are available in configuration files located in the RepConnector installation directory, <AppServer>\repra\samples\conf. For more information, see the user documentation for IBM WebSphere MQ.