The existing description of the -S parameter in ddlgen is:
-Shost_name : port_number
specifies the host name or IP address of Adaptive Server, as well as its port number. Separate host_name and port_number with a colon, without spaces before or after it.
You must use the -S option
because ddlgen does not connect to a default
The updated description is as follows:
-Sserver – specifies the name of the Adaptive Server. ddlgen looks this name up in the interfaces file or LDAP configuration file. If you specify:
-S [host_name:port_number] – ddlgen uses the host_name and port_number provided, and neither interfaces nor LDAP configuration files are read or parsed.
-S[server] -I – ddlgen parses the interfaces file specified at the user location for the server name (see the -I parameter description for more information).
-S[server] – without specifying an interfaces file, ddlgen:
Tries to read the LDAP configuration file from the standard location.
If the LDAP file does not exist, or exists but does not contain an Adaptive Server entry, then the interfaces file is parsed at its standard location for the server name.
If the LDAP file exists, then ddlgen uses it to search the server name. The interfaces file is not parsed, and the LDAP configuration file is parsed.
Separate host_name and port_number with a colon, without spaces before or after it.
You must use the -S option
because ddlgen does not connect to a default
-I – specifies the interfaces file name, and corresponds to $SYBASE/interfaces for UNIX, and %SYBASE%\ini\sql.ini for Windows. Use this optional parameter with -S.