In versions of Adaptive Server that did not include multiple temporary databases, user databases could not exist in the secondary companion during the initial high-availability configuration. The introduction of user-created temporary databases allows the following:
The secondary server can have user-created temporary databases as long as the database names are unique.
The secondary server can have user-created temporary databases whose dbid conflicts with a dbid in the primary server as long as the conflicting dbids are for temporary databases in both the servers.
Sybase recommends that you:
Load the user databases are loaded with user databases during the high-availability configuration. This ensure that unique dbids are generated for temporary databases in the secondary server, and that users can drop and reconfigure without having to drop the user-created temporary databases.
Install specific application and login bindings on the secondary companion for the temporary databases created in the secondary that may be used by the primary server application during failover. However, If you do not install bindings, the failed over server application uses the temporary databases in the secondary companion’s default group, which has little performance impact.