Provides statistics pertaining to the most recently executed statements. The maximum number of statement statistics returned can be tuned with statement pipe max messages. monSysStatement requires the enable monitoring, statement statistics active, per object statistics active, statement pipe max messages, and statement pipe active configuration parameters to be enabled.
Name |
Datatype |
Attributes |
Description |
smallint |
Session process identifier |
int |
Kernel process identifier |
int |
Unique identifier for the database |
ProcedureID |
int |
Unique identifier for the procedure |
PlanID |
int |
Unique identifier for the stored plan for the procedure |
BatchID |
int |
Unique identifier for the SQL batch containing the statement |
ContextID |
int |
Current procedure nesting level when executing the statement |
LineNumber |
int |
Line number of the statement within the SQL batch |
StartTime |
datetime |
Date when the statement began execution |
EndTime |
datetime |
Date when the statement finished execution |
CPUTime |
int |
counter |
Number of milliseconds of CPU used by the statement. |
WaitTime |
int |
counter |
Number of milliseconds the task has waited during execution of the statement |
MemUsageKB |
int |
Number of kilobytes of memory used for execution of the statement |
PhysicalReads |
int |
counter |
Number of buffers read from disk |
LogicalReads |
int |
counter |
Number of buffers read from cache |
PagesModified |
int |
counter |
Number of pages modified by the statement |
PacketSent |
int |
counter |
Number of network packets sent by Adaptive Server |
PacketsReceived |
int |
counter |
Number of network packets received by Adaptive Server |
NetworkPacketSize |
int |
Size (in bytes) of the network packet currently configured for the session |
PlansAltered |
int |
counter |
The number of plans altered at execution time |