Provides information for currently executing statements. monProcessStatement requires the enable monitoring, statement statistics active, and per object statistics active configuration parameters to be enabled.
Name |
Datatype |
Attributes |
Description |
smallint |
Session process identifier |
int |
Kernel process identifier |
int |
Unique identifier for the database |
ProcedureID |
int |
Unique identifier for the procedure |
PlanID |
int |
Unique identifier for the stored plan for the procedure |
BatchID |
int |
Unique identifier for the SQL batch containing the statement |
ContextID |
int |
Stack frame of the procedure, if a procedure |
LineNumber |
int |
Line number of the statement within the SQL batch |
StartTime |
datetime |
Date when the statement began execution |
CPUTime |
int |
counter |
Number of milliseconds of CPU used by the statement |
WaitTime |
int |
counter |
Number of milliseconds the task has waited during execution of the statement |
MemUsageKB |
int |
Number of kilobytes of memory used for execution of the statement |
PhysicalReads |
int |
counter |
Number of buffers read from disk |
LogicalReads |
int |
counter |
Number of buffers read from cache |
PagesModified |
int |
counter |
Number of pages modified by the statement |
PacketSent |
int |
counter |
Number of network packets sent by Adaptive Server |
PacketsReceived |
int |
counter |
Number of network packets received by Adaptive Server |
NetworkPacketSize |
int |
Size (in bytes) of the network packet currently configured for the session |
PlansAltered |
int |
counter |
The number of plans altered at execution time |