Sample output for Cache Wizard

sp_sysmon '00:00:30', 'cache wizard'

Cache Wizard                               

default data cache
Run Size        :   100.00 Mb   Usage%              :      2.86                
LR/sec          :    41.10      PR/sec              :     22.57   Hit%:  45.09 
Cache Partitions:        4      Spinlock Contention%:      0.00                

Buffer Pool Information 
IO Size Wash Size  Run Size    APF%   LR/sec   PR/sec   Hit%   APF-Eff% Usage% 
------- ---------- ----------- ------ -------- -------- ------ -------- ------ 
4 Kb     3276 Kb    16.00 Mb  10.00     0.47     0.13  71.43    n/a     0.20 
2 Kb    17200 Kb    84.00 Mb  10.00    40.63    22.43  44.79    n/a     3.37 

(1 row affected)

Object Statistics 

Object                          LR/sec  PR/sec  Hit%   Obj_Cached% Cache_Occp% 
------------------------------- ------- ------- ------ ----------- ----------- 
empdb.dbo.t1                      0.57    0.30  47.06       56.25        0.02 
empdb.dbo.t2                      0.30    0.30   0.00       56.25        0.02 
empdb.dbo.t3                      0.30    0.30   0.00       56.25        0.02 
empdb.dbo.t4                      0.30    0.30   0.00       56.25        0.02 
empdb.dbo.t5                      0.30    0.30   0.00       56.25        0.02 
empdb.dbo.t6                      0.30    0.30   0.00       56.25        0.02 
empdb.dbo.t8                      0.30    0.30   0.00       56.25        0.02 
empdb.dbo.t7                      0.57    0.20  64.71       62.50        0.02 
tempdb.dbo.tempcachedobjstats      3.63    0.00 100.00       50.00        0.01 
tempdb.dbo.tempobjstats            0.47    0.00 100.00       25.00        0.00 

Object                          Obj Size    Size in Cache 
------------------------------- ----------- ------------- 
empdb.dbo.t1                         32 Kb       18 Kb   
empdb.dbo.t2                         32 Kb       18 Kb   
empdb.dbo.t3                         32 Kb       18 Kb   
empdb.dbo.t4                         32 Kb       18 Kb   
empdb.dbo.t5                         32 Kb       18 Kb   
empdb.dbo.t6                         32 Kb       18 Kb   
empdb.dbo.t8                         32 Kb       18 Kb   
empdb.dbo.t7                         32 Kb       20 Kb   
tempdb.dbo.tempcachedobjstats        16 Kb        8 Kb   
tempdb.dbo.tempobjstats              16 Kb        4 Kb   

Run Size        :     1.00 Mb   Usage%              :      0.39  
LR/sec          :     0.07      PR/sec              :      0.07   Hit%:   0.00 
Cache Partitions:        1      Spinlock Contention%:      0.00                

Buffer Pool Information                                                      
IO Size Wash Size  Run Size    APF%   LR/sec   PR/sec   Hit%   APF-Eff% Usage% 
------- ---------- ----------- ------ -------- -------- ------ -------- ------ 
2 Kb      204 Kb     1.00 Mb  10.00     0.07     0.07   0.00    n/a     0.39 
Object Statistics                                                              

Object               LR/sec  PR/sec  Hit%   Obj_Cached% Cache_Occp% 
-------------------- ------- ------- ------ ----------- ----------- 
empdb.dbo.history      0.07    0.07   0.00       25.00        0.39 

Object               Obj Size    Size in Cache 
-------------------- ----------- ------------- 
empdb.dbo.history         16 Kb        4 Kb   

Run Size        :     5.00 Mb   Usage%              :    100.00                
LR/sec          :   380.97      PR/sec              :     56.67   Hit%:  85.13 
Cache Partitions:        1      Spinlock Contention%:      0.00               

Buffer Pool Information  
IO Size Wash Size  Run Size    APF%   LR/sec   PR/sec   Hit%   APF-Eff% Usage% 
------- ---------- ----------- ------ -------- -------- ------ -------- ------ 
2 Kb     1024 Kb     5.00 Mb  10.00   380.97    56.67  85.13  98.42   100.00 

Object Statistics                                                          

Object                        LR/sec  PR/sec  Hit%   Obj_Cached% Cache_Occp%
----------------------------- ------- ------- ------ ----------- ----------- 
company_db.dbo.emp_projects     41.07   22.80  44.48       19.64        9.45
company_db.dbo.dept_det         93.03   20.67  77.79       99.08       54.53 
company_db.dbo.emp_perf        116.70    2.63  97.74       97.77       34.18
company_db.dbo.dept_locs         0.43    0.17  61.54       50.00        0.16 

Object                        Obj Size    Size in Cache 
----------------------------- ----------- ------------- 
company_db.dbo.emp_projects       2464 Kb      484 Kb   
company_db.dbo.dept_det           2818 Kb     2792 Kb  
company_db.dbo.emp_perf           1790 Kb     1750 Kb   
company_db.dbo.dept_locs            16 Kb        8 Kb   

Usage% for 'default data cache' is low (< 5%)                        
Usage% for  4k buffer pool in cache:default data cache is low (< 5%)
Usage% for  2k buffer pool in cache:default data cache is low (< 5%)

Usage% for 'company_cache' is low (< 5%)                                  Usage% for  2k buffer pool in cache:company_cache is low (< 5%)                                                                                 Consider adding a large I/O pool for 'companydb_cache'                                                                                                                                                                       LEGEND------                                                                          LR/sec		- number of logical reads per second, i.e. sum of cache & disk readsPR/sec		- number of physical reads per second i.e. disk readsRun Size	- size of cache or buffer pool in KilobytesCache Partitions	- number of cache partitionsSpinlock Contention%	- Percentage spinlock contention for the cacheHit%		- ratio of hits to total searchesUsage%		- ratio of pages referenced to Run Size                                                                                Wash Size	- wash size of buffer pool in KilobytesAPF%		- asynchronous prefetch % for this buffer poolAPF-Eff%	- Ratio of buffers found in cache and brought in because			  of APF to the number of APF disk reads performed                                                                                Object		- combination of db, owner, object and index nameObj Size	- size of the object in KilobytesSize in Cache	- size occupied in cache in Kilobytes at the end of sampleObj_Cached%	- Ratio of 'Size in Cache' to 'Obj Size'Cache_Occp%	- Ratio of 'Size in Cache' to 'Run Size' of cache