Installing the monitoring tables

Proxy tables for the monitoring tables are not created by default when you configure Adaptive Server. You must create them using the installmontables script located in the $SYBASE/ASE-12_5/scripts directory (%SYBASE%\ASE-12_5\scripts for NT). This script requires that a server named “loopback” be included in sysservers. To include this server, enter:

declare @servernetname varchar(30)
select @servernetname=srvnetname
from sysservers
where srvname=@@servername
exec sp_addserver loopback, NULL, @servernetname

Install the installmontables script the same way you install the installmaster script. For example:

isql -Usa -Ppassword -Sserver_name -i $SYBASE/ASE-12_5/scripts/installmontables