If you use fillfactor, especially a very low fillfactor, you may notice these effects on queries and maintenance activities:
More pages must be read for each query that does a table scan or leaf-level scan on a nonclustered index.
In some cases, it may also add a level to an index’s B-tree structure, since there will be more pages at the data level and possibly more pages at each index level.
dbcc commands need to check more pages, so dbcc commands take more time.
dump database time increases, because more pages need to be dumped. dump database copies all pages that store data, but does not dump pages that are not yet in use.
Your dumps and loads will take longer to complete and may use more tapes.
Fillfactors fade away over time. If you use fillfactor to reduce the performance impact of page splits, you need to monitor your system and re-create indexes when page splitting begins to hurt performance.