Previewing the messaging interface

These examples provide a brief preview of the Transact-SQL messaging interface.


Example 1 JMS – sends a message to a queue:

select msgsend('hello world',
     message property 'city=Detroit')

Example 2 JMS – reads a message from a queue, with and without a filter:

select msgrecv('tibco_jms:tcp://my_jms_host:7222?queue=queue.sample')

select msgrecv
     message selector 'city=''Detroit''')

Example 3 JMS – publishes a message to a topic:

sp_msgadmin register, subscription,sub1,
select msgpublish
     ('hello world', 'sub1' message property 'city=Boston')

Example 4 JMS – consumes a message from a topic:

select msgconsume('sub1')

Example 5 JMS – illustrates working with properties:

select msgconsume('sub1')
declare @pcount integer
declare @curr integer
declare @pname varchar(100)
select @curr=1
select @pcount = msgpropcount()
      select @pname=msgpropname(@curr)
      select msgproptype(@pname)
      select msgpropvalue(@pname)
      select @curr=@curr+1

Example 6 MQ – sends a message to a queue:

select msgsend('hello world',�
       message header 'priority=2')

Example 7 MQ – reads a message from a queue:

select msgrecv(�
       option 'timeout=30ss')

Example 8 MQ – registers a publisher and publishes a message about “fish”:�

select msgsend(NULL,�
    option 'rfhCommand=registerPublisher'
        message header 'topics=fish'
           + ',streamName=ANIMALS.STREAM')�
select msgsend('something about a fish',�
    message header 'topics=fish')

Example 9 MQ – registers a subscriber, reads a message, and processes the message properties:

select msgsend(NULL,�
     option 'rfhCommand=registerSubscriber'
            + ',topics=fish'�
            + ',streamName=ANIMALS.STREAM'
            + ',queueName=MY_ANIMALS.QUEUE')�

select msgrecv(�
       option 'timeout=30ss')�

select msgpropvalue('MPQScompcode', @@msgproperties)