Migrating from version 12.5 to 15.0 for non-Oracle instances

Migration from Sybase Replication Agent version 12.5 to 15.0 is a simple, three-step process:

  1. Install the Sybase Replication Agent version 15.0 software.

  2. Copy the existing Replication Agent version 12.5 instance directories to the version 15.0 directory.

  3. Set rs_charset.

Using this process, new Replication Agent version 15.0 instances will have the same configuration as existing version 12.5 instances, including instance names and administrative user IDs and passwords. The following procedure describes the details of this process.

StepsTo migrate from Replication Agent version 12.5 to 15.0

  1. Install the Sybase Replication Agent version 15.0 software, as described in “Installing the Sybase Replication Agent software” in the Sybase Replication Agent Installation Guide.

    After you complete the version 15.0 installation procedure, return to this section to continue the migration procedure.

  2. Quiesce and shut down all Replication Agent version 12.5 instances.

  3. For each existing Replication Agent version 12.5 instance, copy the instance directory and subdirectories to the Replication Agent version 15.0 directory structure.

    where inst_name is the name of the directory for an existing Replication Agent version 12.5 instance.

  4. Edit the configuration file for each Replication Agent version 15.0 instance to change the log directory path reference to point to the new directory location.

    The configuration file named inst_name.cfg is located in the instance directory, %SYBASE%\RAX-15_0\inst_name, where %SYBASE% is the installation directory, and inst_name is the name of the Replication Agent instance. In the following examples, the installation directory is sybase and the instance name is repagent.

    Windows example:

    Before: log_directory=C:\\sybase\\rax-12_5\\repagent\\log

    After: log_directory=C:\\sybase\\RAX-15_0\\repagent\\log

    NoteWhen editing the configuration file on Windows 2000, you must retain the double backslash characters.

    UNIX example:

    Before: log_directory=/sybase/rax-12_5/repagent/log

    After: log_directory=/sybase/RAX-15_0/repagent/log

    NoteFor Microsoft SQL Server instances only, also edit the pds_connection_type parameter to use the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC driver. For example:





    Save each configuration file after you edit it.

  5. Start up each new Replication Agent version 15_0 instance.

    See “Starting the Replication Agent instance from the command line” in the Sybase Replication Agent Installation Guide for more information.

  6. Set rs_charset to match the Replication Server character set.

  7. Update the version of the Replication Agent objects in the database. Invoke the pdb_xlog command with no parameters.

    Replication Agent checks the version of the Replication Agent objects in the database for compatibility and makes any updates necessary to complete the migration process.

  8. Invoke the resume command to resume replication.

  9. Uninstall the Sybase Replication Agent version 12.5 software.