Sybase Replication Agent configuration file

The configuration file is created automatically when you create a Sybase Replication Agent instance. It resides in the instance subdirectory, under the Sybase Replication Agent base directory.

The configuration file is named after the Replication Agent instance, with the extension .cfg (for example, if the instance is named “my_ra,” the configuration file is my_ra.cfg).

Each time a Sybase Replication Agent instance starts up, it reads the configuration file to get the configuration information it needs to run. After start-up, the only time the Sybase Replication Agent accesses the configuration file is when the ra_config or ra_set_login command is invoked to change the value of a configuration parameter.

When the value of a configuration parameter is changed, Sybase Replication Agent saves the new value, overwriting the entire configuration file.