Use min digits in password to specify the minimum number of digits in a password. Valid values are:
0 through 16 – the minimum number of digits that must exist in a password.
-1 – the password cannot contain digits.
By default, this password complexity option is turned off and this check is not applied to passwords.
To set this option, enter:
sp_passwordpolicy 'set', 'min digits in password', number
For example, if you have set min digits in password to
4, you must have at least four digits in your password. To satisfy
this requirement, you can add a login johnd
with a complex password SEcret6789
sp_addlogin 'johnd', 'SEcret6789'
However, if you enter:
sp_addlogin 'johnd', 'secret123'
the command fails because the minimum number of digits allowed is 4.