Assuming MQM_HOME is where the MQ client library is installed, the platform specific paths are as follows:
On Solaris 32-bit platforms, add $MQM_HOME/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
On Solaris 64-bit platforms, add $MQM_HOME/lib64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
On Linux 32-bit platforms add $MQM_HOME/lib to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
On Windows 32-bit platforms add %MQM_HOME%\bin to PATH.
On HP-UX 64-bit platforms $MQM_HOME/lib64 to LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
On IBM AIX 64-bit platforms add $MQM_HOME/lib64 to LIBPATH.
MQM_HOME is /opt/mqm for
Solaris, Linux and HP-UX and /usr/mqm on
IBM AIX. On Windows it is the directory where Websphere MQ is installed.
Additionally, sp_configure 'enable real time messaging' has been modified to accept the type of messaging that you want to enable:
'enable real time messaging', 1
enables both TIBCO
JMS and IBM MQ messaging. This command succeeds if Adaptive Server
can locate the DLL libraries for TIBCO JMS and IBM MQ.
sp_configure 'enable
real time messaging', 1, 'tibco_jms'
TIBCO JMS messaging only. This command succeeds if Adaptive Server
can locate the DLL libraries for TIBCO JMS.
sp_configure 'enable
real time messaging', 1, 'ibm_mq'
IBM MQ messaging only. This command succeeds if Adaptive Server
can locate the DLL libraries for IBM MQ