Adaptive Server version 12.5.4 allows a system security officer to write user-defined stored procedures that enable custom password checks.
For example, to implement password history checks, create a new user table to store password histories:
create table pwdhistory ( name varchar(30)not null, -- Login name. passwordvarbinary(30)not null, -- old password. pwdate datetime not null, -- datetime changed. changedby varchar(30)not null -- Who changed. ) go
This user defined stored procedure can be called when specifying a new password to save it in an encrypted form in the pwdhistory table:
create proc sp_extrapwdchecks ( @caller_password varchar(30), --the current password of caller @new_password varchar(30), -- the new password of the target acct @loginame varchar(30) -- user to change password on ) as begin declare @current_time datetime, @encrypted_pwd varbinary(30), @changedby varchar(30), @cutoffdate datetime select @changedby = suser_name() -- Change this line according to your installation. -- This keeps history of 12 months only. select @current_time = getdate(), @cutoffdate = dateadd(month,-12,getdate()) select @encrypted_pwd = internal_encrypt(@new_password) delete master..pwdhistory where name = @loginame and pwdate < @cutoffdate if not exists ( select 1 from master..pwdhistory where name = @loginame and password = @encrypted_pwd ) begin insert master..pwdhistory select @loginame, internal_encrypt(@caller_password), @current_time, @changedby return (0) end else begin raiserror 22001 --user defined error message return (1) end end go
Use sp_addmessage to add the user-defined message 22001. A raiserror 22001 indicates a custom password complexity check error and leads to a failure of sp_addlogin or sp_password.
The following user defined stored procedure can be used for clean up purposes after adding history using sp_extrapwdchecks.
create proc sp_cleanpwdchecks ( @loginame varchar(30) -- user to change password on ) as begin delete master..pwdhistory where name = @loginame end go
Once the two procedures above are defined and installed in the master database, they are called dynamically during the password complexity checks.