dump database and load database with verification

In Adaptive Server 12.5.4, the dump database and load database commands introduce an option to allow you to dump and load databases with verification. The syntax for dump database is:

dump database <dbname> with verify [ = header | full ]

The syntax for load database is:

load database <dbname> with verify[only] [= header | full ]

When you execute dump database, Backup Server performs minimal header and structural row checks for data pages as they are being copied to the archives. There are no structural checks done at this time to GAM, OAM, allocation pages, indexes, text, or log pages.

You can perform the same checks when loading an archive using the command load with verify[only].

An archive can be checked without a physical load, using the load database with verifyonly command: this option displays the dump header information similar to the load option of with headeronly.