Chapter 8: Adaptive Server Plug-in Changes

Adaptive Server plug-in support

The Sybase Central Adaptive Server plug-in supports archive database access and configuring password complexity options in Adaptive Server version 12.5.4.

Use the Sybase Central Adaptive Server plug-in to manage archive databases. There is a new folder called Archive Databases under the Databases folder.

Use the Sybase Central Adaptive Server plug-in to configure Adaptive Server for password complexity options from the Server Property Sheet. For Adaptive Server version 12.5.4, there is a new tab in the Server Property Sheet called Login Password Configuration.

For information on using the Adaptive Server plug-in to manage archive database access, see Chapter 19, “Controlling Access to Adaptive Server” in Managing Adaptive Server Enterprise. For information on using the Adapitve Server plug-in to configure password complexity options, see Chapter 7, “Managing Databases” in Managing Adaptive Server Enterpise.