To see what the DataWindow will look like in an HTML Web DataWindow application, you can use HTML Preview.
To get an HTML preview of a Web DataWindow:
With the properties for the DataWindow object sorted alphabetically in the Properties window, set the HTMLDWproperty to True.
If you do not set the HTMLDW property to True, the preview displays the data as an HTML table without buttons, validation rules, or other scripts. At runtime, this property is always True.
Select HTML/XHTML from the WebDW list and specify a value for HTMLGenPageSize.
This specifies the number of rows to display in the generated Web page. To display only one row of data, specify 1.
Select HTML from the WebDW list and specify a value for HTMLGenBrowser and one for HTMLGenHTMLVersion if you want to preview the DataWindow for a specific client configuration.
Typically you will want to set the HTMLGenBrowser property to the value that is compatible with the latest version of Internet Explorer.
Position the cursor in the Preview view and select Design>HTML Preview from the menu bar.
If the menu item is disabled, open the Preview view to enable it.
Enter data and see whether validation rules behave as expected.